Costa Rica Wildlife Photography Workshop

Costa Rica Wildlife Photography Workshop

Six Reasons Why You Will Love This Workshop Bang for your Buck – Once you land, everything is included! Our tour includes workshop fees, all accommodation and meals, ground and water transportation and local flights. Small Numbers – The group is limited to ten people....
Costa Rica Wildlife Photography Expedition

Costa Rica Wildlife Photography Expedition

Six Reasons Why You Will Love This Expedition Bang for your Buck – Once you land, everything is included! Our expedition includes all fees,  accommodation and meals, ground and water transportation and local flights. Small Numbers – The group is limited to ten people....
My Travels – Art Wolfe

My Travels – Art Wolfe

One of my goals for photography this year is to capture a variety of owls in our beautiful British Columbia. Recently I’ve discovered the beauty and grace of the Short -Eared Owl. I had no idea there were so many of them literally within walking distance of my...


The last few days I have been out photographing the Short Eared Owls, Northern Harriers, Great Blue Heron and a few bird species in the marsh. Brief background: Short-eared owls are most often seen in the late afternoon and at dawn or dusk. They primarily eat small...