I awoke early today to try to get a few images of the birds foraging for their morning meals.

Trail around the park

I walked through this sunlit trail and was overwhelmed by the birds singing in the trees above. These Terra Nova trails are well marked and easy to follow through the park.

Beautiful Poppies

Intending to capture the swallows and humming birds I made my way to the Family Gardens. Instead I came across these poppies that someone planted for us to enjoy.

After taking a few photos around the gardens I headed for the Nature walk area. Every time I have come here I have found birds in the area to  photograph. Today was no different.

I spent about 3/4 hour shootings these Annas Humming birds playing and zooming around dueling with each other.

Anna’s hummingbird (Calypte anna), a medium-sized hummingbird native to the west coast of North America, They seem to be dueling .

Anna’s hummingbird (Calypte anna), a medium-sized hummingbird native to the west coast of North America. CHARGE

Anna’s hummingbird (Calypte anna), a medium-sized hummingbird native to the west coast of North America, was named after Anna Masséna, Duchess of Rivoli.

Anna’s hummingbird (Calypte anna), a medium-sized hummingbird native to the west coast of North America, was named after Anna Masséna, Duchess of Rivoli.

Anna’s hummingbird (Calypte anna), a medium-sized hummingbird native to the west coast of North America, was named after Anna Masséna, Duchess of Rivoli.

Anna’s hummingbird (Calypte anna), a medium-sized hummingbird native to the west coast of North America, was named after Anna Masséna, Duchess of Rivoli.

Anna’s hummingbird (Calypte anna), a medium-sized hummingbird native to the west coast of North America, was named after Anna Masséna, Duchess of Rivoli.

Anna’s hummingbird (Calypte anna), a medium-sized hummingbird native to the west coast of North America, was named after Anna Masséna, Duchess of Rivoli.


A short walk around the pond brought me to a 3 EYED Green Frog? Check it out!! It does seem to be the mating season for the frogs… there was a lot of chasing each other around and croaking form the big guys trying to attract the females.

As I was heading out and getting ready for my breakie I took this photo of the Gadwall lazily floating around the pond.

Green frogs are the classic “pond frogs.” They are medium-sized, green or bronze in colour, and
have a habit of sitting fairly upright among or on aquatic plants — including, of course, water lily pads.


Gadwall (Mareca strepera) are about the same size as Mallards. Gadwall have a fairly large, square head with a steep forehead. The bill is noticeably thinner than a Mallard’s.